
즉 왜 Arithmetic mean, Geometric mean이 아니라 Harmonic mean으로 했는가? 



AM >= GM >= HM인 와중에 HM으로 정의함으로서 

좀 더 낮은 값인 HM을 통해, reliable함을 얻을 수 있다.



large outlier metric에 대한 기여를 낮출 수 있다.

즉, precision과 recall 중 하나가 나머지 하나에 비해 클 때, 그 큰 값의 영향력을 보정하여 mesure함


3. 주어진 데이터 값의 scale/unit이 어떻냐에 따라 활용하는 mean이 다르다.

AM은 각각이 same units일 때

GM은 각각이 다른 units일 때

HM은 각각이 rate일 때


4. (Fbeta를 쓰는 이유)

recall이 precision보다 beta만큼 더 중요도를 부과하고 싶다면(weighted harmonic mean)

그 때의 weighted harmonic mean으로 fbeta사용(beta=2->recall이 precision보다 2배 중요)





Harmonic Mean (mathsisfun.com)


Harmonic Mean

Harmonic Mean The harmonic mean is: the reciprocal of the average of the reciprocals Yes, that is a lot of reciprocals! Reciprocal just means 1value. The formula is: Where a,b,c,... are the values, and n is how many values. Steps:  Calculate the reciproca



Arithmetic, Geometric, and Harmonic Means for Machine Learning (machinelearningmastery.com)


Arithmetic, Geometric, and Harmonic Means for Machine Learning

Calculating the average of a variable or a list of numbers is a common operation in machine learning. It is an operation you may use every day either directly, such as when summarizing data, or indirectly, such as a smaller step in a larger procedure when


Harmonic mean - Wikipedia


Harmonic mean - Wikipedia

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Jump to navigation Jump to search Inverse of the average of the inverses of a set of numbers In mathematics, the harmonic mean (sometimes called the subcontrary mean) is one of several kinds of average, and in particul




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